Result Report | Last Art Event in Japan | Good-bye Party “=” Equal | April 13, 2024

Last Art Event in Japan | Good-bye Party “=” Equal
4th. 13th. 2024
in Tokyo
Photographer: Yu Takahashi
Singer: nana
At my self-made atelier, I held and closed the exhibition "U + Me" with a party called "=", celebrating with wonderful and warm-hearted people.
I was so happy to have so many of my beloved people gathered.
Thank you so much to everyone who participated.
At the venue, I had the opportunity to talk about the past, the future, and things I haven't shared on social media before.
Thank you to everyone who came and listened!
A special thanks to Kakita-san for the support as the moderator!

At the venue, I was blessed to have the beautiful and soul-stirring voice of singer nana performing for us.
I also had the honor of playing a little guitar in support.
nana, thank you so much! I was deeply moved.
There were even some people, including myself, who were in tears.
It was truly wonderful.
I am honored if everyone who joined us was able to take something meaningful away from the experience.
The scene of warm people meeting and interacting with each other in that space felt like one of the most beautiful moments in the world to me.

I am honored to have been able to gather on that day, at that place, with that group of people.
Even now, when I close my eyes and imagine, I feel like I can return to that moment with all of you.
That moment always feels sparkling and warm to me.
Let's all gather again someday!
Thank you so much.
The result of the solo exhibition "U+Me" can be found here
The results of the meditation event held at the exhibition venue can be found here