Guided Shifting

Title: Guided Shifting
Materials: Love, Qi, Acrylic, Wood panel
Dimensions: 51.5cm x 72.8cm
Created: 2023 year

Explanation:cosmic rhythm series
Cosmic Rhythm | Painting | Kota | Oneness Art
The grain of wood is not created by humans, but by the Earth.
In a larger sense, I believe it is the rhythm of the cosmos.
By drawing in harmony with (respecting) that rhythm, I aimed to express the cosmic unity of oneness.
Under the assumption that the grain of wood is a visualization of the rhythm of the cosmos, I respect the grain and create the artwork by following its lines, expanding from the grain itself. By borrowing the power of nature and following its flow, I express myself. This is also a dialogue with nature and an act of aligning with the rhythm of the universe. Through this, I express and establish a cosmic sense of unity.

Poet:Guided Shifting
Guided, I move forward
Into the world of dreams I imagine

Story:Guided Shifting
When a person imagines something with intense vividness, a world identical to reality unfolds within their mind. From a neurological perspective, what is experienced there can be indistinguishable from reality. By repeatedly imagining the same world with vividness, one gradually begins to mistake that world as reality, and starts to feel discomfort in the present reality, where they do not belong to that world. The brain then unconsciously finds ways to reach that world and helps guide them towards it.
Due to the unconscious nature, one might feel as if they are being guided.
Or, perhaps, some invisible, mysterious force is truly at work, guiding them towards something.