Love & Graviton

Title: Love & Graviton
Materials: Love, Qi, Acrylic, Wood Panel
Dimensions: 36.4cm x 51.5cm
Created in: 2023

Poet:Love & Graviton
It's not about whether it's right or wrong.
It's about whether you believe in it or not.

Explanation:Love & Graviton
"Love is the one thing we’re capable of perceiving that transcends dimensions of time and space. Maybe we should trust that even if we can’t understand it yet."
= "Love is the only thing that can transcend time and space. Even if we can't understand it, maybe we should trust in it."
This line is spoken by a certain doctor in Christopher Nolan's film *Interstellar*.
This work is a grand visual piece set in space, yet it is centered around human love.
And, the logic of "Love and Graviton are the only things that can transcend time and space" serves as the backbone for the unfolding story.
If ever you want to send a message to someone from the past, or receive a message from someone far in the future,
Love and Graviton may hold the key.
And the warm and gentle love you possess may transcend time and space, along with the Graviton.

Explanation:Love & Graviton 2
In modern science, the existence of love has not yet been proven.
However, we can feel love.
As for the Graviton, it remains a hypothesis, and its existence has not been proven yet.
But we can feel gravity.
Perhaps the truly important things are always ambiguous, invisible things.

Explanation:The third eye
When light is cast from the back of the painting,
the area around the depicted person's forehead
glows and stands out.
This phenomenon occurs because of the knots in the wooden support (the wood).
It evokes an ambiguous beauty that is both accidental and inevitable,
imperfect yet perfect, reflecting nature (the universe).
In the spiritual and yoga world,
this glowing area is called the "third eye."
Anatomically, it corresponds to the pineal gland,
which is located at the center of the brain.
Activating this area is said to be related to the development of talent, intuition, and the sixth sense.