Art live painting by an immigrant (myself) in front of the Dutch Immigration Department (IND) | Den Haag, Netherlands Fall 2024
October 11, 2024
I performed a street painting show in front of the Immigration and Naturalization Service (IND) in The Hague, Netherlands.
The IND (Immigratie en Naturalisatiedienst) is a crucial institution, not only for the Netherlands but also for people from abroad, as it plays a key role in the immigration process for anyone moving to the country.
I myself relocated to the Netherlands in the summer of 2024 and was greatly supported by the IND throughout the process.
Thanks to the IND, I am now able to live here as a legal resident.
In this place, where summer has passed, and the weather has suddenly turned cold, I was able to successfully open and close my performance.
Thank you very much.

People passing by were truly diverse—of European, Islamic, Asian, African descent, and more.
The languages I heard were all different. Their roots, home countries, and cultures were entirely distinct from one another.
Each person was there for their own reasons, making their way to the Immigration and Naturalization Service in the Netherlands.
In the midst of such diversity, I am deeply grateful that, as an immigrant myself, I was able to perform a live painting show.
Some people engaged in conversation with me enthusiastically, while others stood quietly, observing the art.
There were also moments where we couldn’t communicate through words but connected instead through gestures. The non-verbal nature of art allowed for a unique form of communication and emotional exchange, creating a meaningful experience for both sides.

As the shade became unbearably cold, I moved to a sunny spot along a main street to continue painting.
I suddenly thought, “I wonder if the kind of street donations you see in movies and TV shows really happen?” So, I placed my hat upside down in front of me.
Not even ten seconds passed before a man handed me some coins. He told me he was originally from France and now works as a model.
“Wow, you're creating something beautiful. I want to give you something. This is all I have right now, but please take it. Good luck!” he said, handing me 30 cents.
At the exchange rate that day, it was worth just under 50 yen.
It was only 30 cents.
And yet, where did this joy come from?
The weight of the coin in my hand somehow felt entirely different.

After about an hour, the hat had collected a total of around 8 euros.
At that day’s exchange rate, it was roughly 1,300 yen.
A kind Muslim family even handed me a freshly made, piping hot donut.
It was the most delicious donut I had ever eaten in my life.
There were also people who didn’t give money but stopped by just to offer words of encouragement or praise, as well as those who silently cheered me on with gestures. Their presence was truly uplifting.
One particularly memorable encounter happened as I began packing up.
It was 6:00 PM, and the surroundings were getting dark.
A teenage boy, who had been selling newspapers a bit further away, came over specifically to talk to me.
He was tall, wearing oversized clothes, and spoke quickly, almost like a rap. At first, I couldn’t quite catch his English and thought, "Am I being approached in a negative way?" I instinctively tensed up a bit.
But as I listened more carefully, I realized he was expressing admiration.
“I’ve been watching you all this time. What you’re doing is truly beautiful. Keep it up, and take care of yourself. I’m rooting for you, brother.”
With a smile, he said those words and returned to his spot to continue selling newspapers.
I felt a mix of guilt for misunderstanding him and gratitude for his kind words.
“An immigrant performing art in front of the Immigration Office.”
I had no idea how this would turn out, but the result was overwhelming praise from people of various nationalities.
This experience also reaffirmed the incredible potential and beauty of art to enable communication without language.
I’m determined to perform again someday on another street.
I am deeply grateful for everything.
Thank you so much.