Purchased Reviews | Painting Artworks | Guidance | Kota | Oneness Artist
I received feedback from the purchaser of my painting.
I am honored to have painted it and for it to be owned.
Thank you very much.
Below is the feedback.

When I first encountered Guidance, I thought, "Is this me?"
I still don't really understand why I felt that way.
It’s a sensation I can’t fully explain, but it feels like something I’ve been searching for, or something I’ve always known.
Such a mysterious feeling.
Is it the surface of water, or the bottom of the water? Or maybe the universe? Or another world altogether?
I don't know where it is, but it’s a place I’ve seen before, a scenery I know.
There are times when I find myself staring at this painting, which is displayed in my living room.
It’s not that I’m sucked into the world of the painting, but rather, I feel like I’m being pulled in.
Surely, there must be some message it’s trying to convey.
But for now, I still don’t know what that message is.

I really love the ice-blue light beams that extend from the orb the dragon holds.
It feels like they’re entering deep inside my body, purifying me.
It’s hard to put into words exactly what’s happening or why.
I don’t really understand it, but it’s not a negative feeling.
Maybe someday, at the place I’m being guided to, this mysterious and hard-to-understand sensation will become clear.
Or perhaps it will remain a mystery, just like this.
That feeling is probably what “me?” really is.
Being able to bring Kota’s work into my life has given me a little confidence.
Because he is such an admirable and wonderful artist.
It makes me really happy to think that I’m somehow sharing even a little bit of Kota’s "gentle, embracing energy."