
Title:4:20(Four Twenty)
Tools:Love, Qi gong, Acrylic, Medium, Wood board etc
Size:42cm x 29.7cm

Poet | I am alive
This wind / this world
by my body / by 5 senses
I can feel
Ah / I am alive
how amazing
that I am alive

Explanation | 4:20
April 20th is called four twenty,
it is the day of marijuana around the world.
There are some countries
allow using marijuana regally,
and have some festivals.
In such the countries,
April 20th, 4:20 sunset time,
people gather in a beach,
and are enveloped in smoke and smile
with rising love and peace.
Today as the benefits,
there is a movement of
legalize marijuana around the world.
The wave reaches to
Japan absolutely.
World is paying attention
how Japan will make the decision about it.