Title:Alaskan lighter
Materials:Watercolos, Watercolor paper..etc
Size:apx 7.4 inches x 11.2 inches
Alaskan Lighter
I close my eyes, and take deep breath.
Then I light up the lighter gently in my mind.
While the fire is there, the memories
of Alaska are projected brightly.
The ground is unlimitedly wide,
far and beautiful.
360 degree,
until the horizon there is only nature.
When I take deep breath,
the cold wind can froze my nose bit,
and can bring me smell of fresh woods.
Like a steam locomotive making
white breath with base sound,
a giant moose walk slowly and heavily.
In the frozen air,
groups of many caribous
run like flapping on snowfield.
As not be seen by anybody,
a lonely foxy crosses
on the road with unsteady steps.
At the moment,
one is eaten,
and it makes the predator live longer.
I can see the balance and harmony of creatures and nature are extremely simple and perfect.
The sky is so much clean, vivid and beautiful.
In the morning sky,
the blue is very blue and the sun light is
show us scorching the world.
In the sunset sky's color is
like dropped watercolors with
blue, pink, purple, violet, red, orange and yellow.
In the night sky,
aurora waves massively,
and dances until it as wants to continue with
uncountable stars in the background.
People are surprisedly powerful,
warm heart, and beautiful.
In the frozen forest,
they build house and make everything by their hands.
They change cut old woods
to fire for warmness.
They make electric power by solar panels,
and they take water up from
nearby clean springs as they need.
They respect and thank to animals which
they hunted from the bottom of heart,
eat meet without any wasted,
and use bones and viscera for other purpose.
I imagine,
because they better know about Alaskan
strictness and coldness than others
the people I met have very warm eyes
and heart which are full of love.
One day,
a guy who lives in forest looked up the sky,
and gave me words from
his great mustache with white breath.
"In this society, there are too much things
and information, and it's crazy.
Even when people meet,
the each other keep looking
their own smartphones.
In the city,
neighbors do not know each other much.
At supermarkets,
because people only buy tiding meets
and vegetables with price seals on shelves,
they forget the connection
with other creatures,
they forget what they are
alive by other lives."
He took a breath for a little while and
looked at my eyes, kept to say.
"The truth is people forget
the important connection with the Earth.
To remember the connection and
to treat the connection gently make
our hearts and this world be much richer.
True “rich” meaning is not measure by money,
it can be measured by the heart.
Nature always can teach me such as
the important things.
That’s why this is the happiest way
to live in woods for me."
I turned the lighter off quietly in my mind.
I slowly opened my eyes,
and took slowly deep breath.
After turning it off,
the frozen wind,
smells and sounds of burning woods,
taste of lives, warmness of people,
and many words are
drifting and floating as being smoke in me.