Why is Art Expensive? The Cheapest Way to Buy Art? An Artist's Reflection
"Art seems kind of expensive."
Many people might think so.
Indeed, in reality, most art is not cheap.
If you have ever visited an art gallery or gallery space,
you may have a sense of the price range.
On media such as TV, they tend to focus on the exceptionally high-priced works,
and in fact, it’s always about stories like "Wow, that's amazing!"
For example,
back in 1987,
a painting of sunflowers by the master Van Gogh was auctioned at Christie's in London.
It was purchased for around 5.8 billion yen by the predecessor of SOMPO Holdings,
Yasuda Fire & Marine Insurance.
Also, more recently,
at an auction in New York, a painting by street artist Basquiat
was sold for an astonishing 12.3 billion yen.
It was bought by the former CEO of ZOZOTOWN, Mr. Maezawa.
That amount of money could buy a house,
or even more than that!
...Also, the fact that both buyers were Japanese makes me happy.
(Inner voice)
However, if you put it bluntly,
it’s just "a painting."
To put it harshly,
it's just something with color on a canvas.
However, it’s also "much more than a painting."
Looking at the numbers,
humanity seems to place an incredibly high value on art.
So why is art so expensive?
As an artist,
I’d like to offer my own reflection.
The Value of Art = Rarity
As mentioned earlier,
it’s a fact that there are many works of art that are not cheap in the world.
Why is that?
There are many complex factors involved,
but if I were to sum it up in one word,
it’s "rarity."
For a painting,
the painting itself
is the only one of its kind in the world.
Even if the same artist painted the same picture twice,
while the two may look similar,
they are still two different paintings.
This uniqueness adds significant value.
For example,
the master Vincent van Gogh.
It’s a well-known story, but during his lifetime,
he was not appreciated and his works sold very little.
However, after his death,
his works started to gain recognition.
(Maybe the times caught up to him, or maybe his marketing was just brilliant?)
And ironically, after his death,
the value of his works kept increasing.
By then, of course, the artist
Van Gogh was no longer around,
so no new works would ever be created.
In other words,
the works of Van Gogh, which were highly valued,
are all one-of-a-kind in the world.
Van Gogh is long gone,
so no new works will ever be made.
(Only the existing works remain.)
These are just some of the multiple factors
that contribute to the "rarity"
and significantly increase the value and price of the artwork.
Of course, with modern technology,
it is possible to create nearly perfect reproductions.
they are just copies.
The real painting of Van Gogh's
"The Night Café" is the only one in the world.
art can also be considered as a "culture" that symbolizes its time.
In ancient times, there was an era when religious paintings depicting the image of God became popular in churches,
so that even those who could not read could feel the greatness of God.
There was also a time when it was fashionable for nobles to commission portraits of themselves from artists,
in order to preserve their likeness or to display them in their homes.
However, when the camera (photography) was invented, allowing people to preserve their likenesses quickly and cheaply,
the demand for portrait artists dramatically declined.
Then, artists began to question what exactly a painting is,
and what only painting could do,
leading to the rise of movements like Impressionism, which included Van Gogh.
As you can see,
art and paintings are also representations of their time.
I won’t dive too deep into it here, as it could get lengthy, but
this function of symbolizing "culture" is also an important factor in raising the value of art.

Great prices on Pokemon cards.
This might seem like a tangent, but... Pokémon cards are currently a big deal.
...Well, okay, I admit it’s a sudden shift in topic!!
But hold on, please, take a moment.
This is actually related to contemporary art!
Trust me, the story will tie together soon.
So, let me continue:
The world-famous YouTuber Logan Paul recently bought a Pikachu Pokémon card for about 730 million yen.
Yes, you read that right—A Pokémon card.
One single card.
Why was it so expensive?
To explain, this card dates back to 1998 when it was part of an illustration contest in "Monthly CoroCoro Comic".
The card was only given to the contest winners, and only 39 copies were ever made worldwide.
The Pikachu card itself was designed by illustrator Atsuko Nishida.
Due to its incredibly limited distribution and the fact that no more will ever be produced, its rarity is what drives its high price.
Other "rare" cards are also traded for astonishingly high prices.
In recent years, young investors have even started viewing Pokémon cards as assets and investments, purchasing them at high prices and holding onto them.
It’s a crazy era, isn’t it?
But the core idea here, "rarity = value,"
relates directly to the previous discussion about "art = rarity = value."
Moreover, in light of this trend, renowned contemporary artist Takashi Murakami has started his own card business.
His cards feature adorable original characters, similar to Pokémon.
Among collectors, these cards have already become highly popular, and some rare ones are valued at several million yen.
In fact, anyone can buy art.
After reading all this, you might think,
"Art really is expensive."
"It feels out of reach."
You might feel that way.
But actually,
there are plenty of art pieces that anyone, including office workers, housewives, and students, can afford.
At first glance, they might not seem cheap, but there are many pieces of art that are actually affordable if you put in a little effort.
In fact, I'm grateful that many of the people who purchase my art are housewives or salaried employees.
If you visit a typical gallery or art space in town, you'll quickly realize that there are a wide range of contemporary artworks displayed.
Depending on the piece, the prices vary, but most of them are available for a few thousand to a few tens of thousands of yen.
You’ll also notice pieces that cost several hundred thousand or even millions of yen.
In some cases, there might even be works priced in the tens of millions of yen.
When you first see such high-priced works up close, it can be a shocking and exciting experience.
But it’s also true that there are people who regularly buy such expensive works.
You might wonder why anyone would buy something so expensive.
But here's one fact:
"To the buyer, the price is appropriate for the value of the piece."
And that’s what leads to the action of buying.
Are art galleries and galleries open for everyone to enter?
Let me add a little more information here.
Earlier, I mentioned, "If you actually go to a gallery or art space, it's easy to understand."
Here’s what I mean by that.
When walking around urban areas like Ginza,
you’ll find many galleries and art spaces
scattered throughout the city.
Additionally, even department stores have areas where they prominently showcase art.
The truth is, these places are open to everyone,
and you’re welcome to just walk in freely.
From the perspective of artists and galleries,
we’d love for more people to feel comfortable and come in.
Of course, it’s perfectly fine if you just come in to appreciate the art
without any intention of buying.
Art expression gains value when
it’s seen by people,
and we would be happy if our works could reach the eyes of as many people as possible.
"…I see. But, actually,
…It feels kind of hard to enter in the first place."
I can almost hear that thought coming from you, but,
…I get it. Honestly, I totally agree.
It feels intimidating, right? It’s that unique feeling.
It’s the so-called “high threshold” vibe.
I felt the same way when I first started.
But now, I enter galleries with the same ease as walking into a convenience store.
And once you get used to it,
entering a gallery becomes
extremely interesting.
It becomes one of the best forms of entertainment and a great hobby.
If the exhibition is good,
you leave with the same feeling of contentment as after finishing a great movie.
Being able to enjoy contemporary artists' works for free
is, personally, a rich and rewarding experience.
And one day,
if you happen to come across a work that makes you think,
"Wow, I really want this,"
whether you buy it or not,
it will still be a wonderful experience in itself.
What is the Cheapest Way to Buy Art?
Art can be very expensive, depending on the piece.
The reason for this is its rarity.
But the truth is, there is plenty of art that even housewives, office workers, and students can afford.
Galleries where you can meet such art are open for anyone to casually enter.
So, having written that, there is actually a way to buy art at the cheapest price.
This is not a secret trick or anything shady; it’s a straightforward method.
That method is,
Buy the piece you’re interested in
at the moment you feel drawn to it.
This may resemble the famous saying,
"The best time to act is now."
The same is true for art: the cheapest time to buy is often right now.
Of course, this depends on the piece, but generally, art tends to increase in value over time and rarely decreases.
For example, former CEO of ZOZO TOWN, Maezawa-san, has bought several paintings by Basquiat.
One painting he purchased in 2016 for 6.2 billion yen was resold at auction in 2022 for 11 billion yen.
(He held it for six years and made a profit of about 4.8 billion yen…)
This phenomenon is also happening with contemporary artists' works.
Paintings bought a few years ago might have increased in value by multiple times,
or when trying to buy other works by the same artist after a few years, you may notice significant price increases.
If there’s a piece you’re currently hesitating to buy,
it’s good to go ahead and make the purchase.
If not, that’s fine too.
For reference, I’ve also written about the reasons people buy art from an artist’s perspective in another article, which you can read here.
Why is art so expensive?
What is the cheapest way to buy art?
I, as an artist, have thought about these questions.
From Van Gogh to Pokémon cards,
the discussion has expanded from historical to contemporary topics,
but I hope you find something valuable in this article.
If you ever have the chance,
I highly recommend visiting a gallery or art space
to experience firsthand the art created by contemporary artists.
You will likely encounter a rich experience and new discoveries.
Certainly, art is not cheap per piece,
and it may seem expensive.
However, what kind of life would it be
if the art you’ve always wanted is hanging on your walls?
What version of yourself would exist in that lifestyle?
What sounds or smells fill the room?
It might be fun to close your eyes and imagine
what it would be like with a smile on your face.