Messenger from palace of the dragons | Painting | Kota | Oneness Artist

Messenger from palace of the dragons

Title:Messenger from palace of the dragons

Tools:Acrylic, watercolor paper etc

Size 12.2 inches x  17 inches

Year: 2019

Explanation Chapter 1 Delivering the lights


Messenger from palace of the dragons, Swimming cosmos,

illuminates the world, delivers the lights.


Please stare the art work with standing in front of it

Please try to see it with off focus purposely.



You will see the picture that move, three-dimensional like and shining.

Your body will be weaved, feel of floating and euphoria,

and feel something crystal clear


Messenger from palace of the dragons, Swimming universe,

illuminates you, delivers the lights

Explanation Chapter 2 Aboriginals


There is Aboriginal people as natives

in great island country Australia since ancient times.


They skills for being peace and having harmony with the nature

so the history is incredible long like for some million years,


In the background, there are some keys what their original myth,

and the traditional dot arts painting that weave stories of the myth for inheriting.